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Edinburgh Seaside Gin

SKU: 5060232071037 Stock: Available


This expression encapsulates the wonder of the coastline close to the city. This gently sweet, minerally gin uses botanicals that have been foraged from the beaches around Edinburgh.


Tastes like a crisp, cool breeze over windblown golden sands

Look to the horizon, where the light shines on the sea. A breeze whispers through gentle waves, crispy and kissed with salt. Stay on land and breathe it in.

This expression encapsulates the wonder of the coastline near the city. This softly sweet, minerally gin uses botanicals that have been foraged on the beaches around Edinburgh, making the gin reminiscent of a bike ride on a Scottish beach.

Pair with a tonic or shake like a martini… we enjoy ours with a slice of grapefruit or a sprig of salty and crisp salicornia.

Edinburgh Gin Seaside… Our story of wonder, told through taste.

Weight 1.8 kg


Distillate Type






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