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Particularities of Port wine guarantee seals

Since the institutionalization of the Douro Demarcated Region (RDD), in 1756, there has been a concern and determination to protect what would come to be consecrated as the Porto brand, affirming its authenticity and quality.

The mission to certify, control, defend and promote Denominations of Origin involves several actions and initiatives, which become decisive in an increasingly demanding and competitive market, as a result of the accelerated globalization we have witnessed in recent decades. An example of this is the guarantee seals in use for almost nine decades which, despite the changes they have undergone over time, have always reflected very careful graphic work.

The first examples should be registered, where some geographical details of the location of the RDD are visible (associated with iconic images such as the Rabelo boat), consistent with the identity of an entire region.

In its legal genesis, dated August 18, 1934, the legislator, in addition to the necessary regulatory framework, was careful to make clear in the preamble that “there would be a clear advantage in every bottle of Port wine bearing , as a title of pride, the seal of guarantee (…) for wines destined for the country and for those of superior quality with the right to a quality certificate”.

These stamps, an authentic masterpiece, were made “in engraving on paper, and by pressing on lead disks, noting potential offenders”, with great graphic emphasis, that “the reproduction of this official seal is punished by law as a forgery of a Portuguese State title”.

Several models of stamps followed which, over the years, began to lose some graphic detail, starting to bear the identity symbol of the former Port Wine Institute and, later, of the Institute of Douro and Porto wines, I.P., without ever losing the vine’s own symbology, translated into abundant bunches, foliage and tendrils.

Note: Image published in the book Museu do Vinho de S. João da Pesqueira, by Natália Fauvrelle


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